iPhone X Pre-Orders Sell Out In Minutes. Twitter Is Freaking Out
The premium iPhone X - pronounced 10 - sold out within minutes of being made available for pre-bookings on Friday. In India, iPhone X starts at Rs. 89,000 for the 64GB version while the 256GB version is priced at a whooping Rs. 1,02,000. At these exorbitant prices, the iPhone X is, without a doubt, the most expensive smartphone in the country. But despite the hefty price tag, demand for the iPhone X is high and that left Twitterati more than a little dazed and confused. We've rounded up 10 of the funniest reactions to the new iPhone X.
is-deciderHtmlWhitespace" cite="https://twitter.com/NavalGeekSingh/status/923456202092167168" data-tweet-id="923456202092167168" data-scribe="section:subject">
So you can fly to dubai, buy an iphone x there (international warranty) and come back to india - YOU WILL STILL SAVE 4K ON BASE MODEL
Introducing the phone in September, Apple chief executive Tim Cook called the iPhone X"the biggest leap forward since the original iPhone."
The iPhone X features an all-glass and stainless steel design with a 5.8-inch "Super Retina" display and uses facial recognition to unlock the device. It will offer wireless charging using the Qi global standard.
India is one of the first countries in which Apple's new flagship smartphone is being launched. The device will be available November 3 in Silver and Space Grey colours.
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